
Sellado Anti-UV en solvente. Para un tratamiento de TECHO FRIO. Mantenimientos y sellados. Blanco brilloso. Llama al 787 287-7249 para referirte un contratista certificado. Mas detalles...


HYDRO-LASSTIC PA-980 es parte de una nueva generación de selladores modernos para el techo donde se requiera  gran resistencia a la intemperie, más elasticidad y más durabilidad.

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  • wangkiky 1, excellent physical and mechanical properties The first is the composite laminate flooring with high wear resistance, surface abrasion is 10-30 times that of ordinary paint wooden floors. Followed by the mechanical properties of the product within the bond strength, surface bonding strength and impact toughness are better. According to testing, the composite laminate flooring surface resistance of less than 1011Ω, have good antistatic properties, can be used as room floor. In addition, the <a href=" "> Wooden Composite Decks Suppliers in Uae</a> has good corrosion resistance to pollution, UV light, resistance to cigarette ignition properties. 2, Size and greater dimensional stability Trends floor large size, and wood floors with standard size increased, the possibility of deformation also increased. Composite laminate flooring with a high-standard materials and reasonable means of processing, has good dimensional stability, small size floor indoor temperature and humidity changes caused. Low-temperature radiant floor heating system construction industry began to use the composite laminate flooring is one of the more suitable materials floor. 3, easy installation, simple maintenance Flooring bubble at the end of the isolation buffer layer suspension paving method, simple construction and high efficiency. Usually available cleaning, mop, roller attracting other methods of maintenance, is very convenient. 4, the composite laminate flooring shortcomings Composite Laminate flooring also has some shortcomings should attract attention. First floor Jiaogan or texture better than [url= ]Patio Bench with Backrest Plans[/url], followed by the bad glue substrate and between layers, the use will unglued stratification beyond repair. In addition, the floor contained more glue, formaldehyde releasing contaminated indoor environment should pay close attention.
    October 19, 2015

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    September 24, 2014