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Bestmengqin Bestmengqin's Album: RuneScape

Photo 1 of 3 in RuneScape

I can change to rs for more attention
Take a few kilo of flax, spin them for bowstrings and you should nearly be there but to cope with your limited attention span, here's an idea that i have because i have similar issues.

Watch t.v while you play. It's worked for me. When I'm bored watching a program, I can change to rs for more attention. Instead of contemplating getting keys because it takes time, think of it in a series of bursts.

For instance, "i'll get 280 bowstrings and then move on to another thing" or "i'll get 280 bowstrings and then sell them to buy another" this keeps you busy and keeps you occupied.

Ok, me and knight nine (you may know him as Khorne in sals) went on a rev-hunt... my stats include 50 attack, 66 string, 60 def 31 prayer hp40 and 72 mage while his stats include 60 attack, 60 str 40 and 65 cb.

Our equipment was... Me coif, rune chain the rane kite, the rune kee rune tether, d hide vambs, d hide legs and str ammy. Rune scimmy when we weep. He: studded gloves and chaps, a comb, rune necklace, rune kite. Rune scimmy and wep... and baxe when you're in poor health.

If you want to know more about RSorder, you can go to


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