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Classifieds » Overview of the area for OSRS

Classifieds » Overview of the area for OSRS

Overview of the area for OSRS

  • Ciudad USA
  • Pais Antarctica


A collection of islands connected by bridges. This is what the Fremennik islands is all about. You can view the islands as well as their interconnections on the map below. Jatizso and Neitiznot These are the two largest villages on the islands with OSRS Buy Gold.

 You can make use of the appropriate ferry service operators to reach the landing docks shown by teleport locations from the most northern dock in Rellekka.

 The locations that are relevant to the quest are marked with the help of numbers shown on maps.

 It is the court of King Gjuki Sorvott IV. 2. In the courts of King Mawnis Burowgar. 3. A bridge you'll have to fix. 4.

 Another bridge that you'll need to repair. 5. Entrance into the Ice Troll Caves for the final fight.


A word of caution: You may die if you travel to the northern islands and do not have food.


If you're in need of products, you'll locate the banks within both towns.

 You are able to travel across all islands at any time during the quest.

 Note: If you only need to connect to Neitiznot and that's the only reason to begin this quest, take 8 raw tuna and tin ores

 for your Mining level 1-9. Seven pieces of coal if your mining level is 10-54. 6 mithril ores if 55or over and talk to King  Gjuki Sorvott IV.

 King Gjuki Sorvott IV

 Items required for this section of the quest are: Mithril ores with 6 mithril, 7 items of coal 8 raw tuna, and tin ores.

 King Sorvott's court

 Journey to the northernmost dock at Rellekka and meet Mord Gunnars. The quest will start when he takes your to Jatizso.

 You can go to the checkered floor room and have a conversation with King Gjuki Sorvott IV. During the conversation his cat

 will come in and your highness with ask you to bring raw tuna for the lovely cat.

 Note: The tuna may be purchased in the grocery store in the area to the northeast of the King or taken on the pier directly

 south of your location.

 Once you have the tuna, you can give it to your cat and discuss it with the King.


The ores you have been assigned to the King. You can also mine these ores in the cave beneath the village. It is accessible

 through the northeast after exiting via the western gate. You can mine the ores within the underground dungeon. In return,

 the King is going to reward you coins in exchange for the ores that you deposit.

 Behind the throne of King George II, you'll discover the chest. Take the Jester clothes from there.


Utilize the ferry service operated by Mord's wife, Maria and head to Neitiznot directly from Rellekka. You can find the


women and Mord Gunnars at the dock to the north east in Rellekka.


King Mawnis Burowgar


Items needed for this stage of the quest are: The Jester costume that you bought earlier.


Go behind the bank. You'll find Slug Hemligssen. Tell him, "Free stuff please" to him. The jester costume will be needed in RS Gold.

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