A little less than a year after Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed his government to develop gaming consoles, officials involved in the project have acknowledged that the devices will not be able to compete with major players like PlayStation,... AbrirA little less than a year after Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed his government to develop gaming consoles, officials involved in the project have acknowledged that the devices will not be able to compete with major players like PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo, as reported by Techspot. One of the devices runs on Russia's homegrown Elbrus processor, but its performance is considered subpar, while the other resembles a Fire Stick knockoff designed to stream games from the cloud, priced at $45."I hope my colleagues approach this task with full responsibility and create something truly innovative," said Anton Gorelkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, in a Telegram post.He acknowledged that the Elbrus processors are not yet advanced enough to rival the PS5 and Xbox, meaning the solution must be unconventional. Gorelkin also emphasized that the goal is not simply to port old games, but to promote and popularize domestic video game products and the industry... less